
Browse our collection of over 935 broadcasts

Creative Consequences for Kids

When it comes to disciplining our kids, we feel pretty confident that we know what we shouldn’t do:  we shouldn’t react in complete anger, shouldn’t scream and so on.  But knowing what we shouldn’t do doesn’t make it any easier to understand what we should do instead.  So for all of you who are struggling in knowing how to discipline your kids, here are 21 creative consequences.  First, try a “time-in” instead of...
Mar 25, 2014 / Discipline

4 Things I've Learned About Parenting Adult Children

As your children become adults, a new chapter in your parenting life begins.  To help you along this journey, I’d like to share some guidelines I’ve learned along the way.  First, be involved but not intrusive.  This may mean giving your grown kids general advice rather than specific solutions.  In this way, they’re able to grow in making their own decisions.  Second, be caring but not crowding.  Often, we find...

What’s Your Reaction to Offending Someone?

Each day, maybe 16,000 words or more come out of our mouths.  Odds are that some of these words will end up offending the people around us.  So how do you react when you’ve offended someone?  Here are several common reactions.  First, we become defensive.  We move the blame onto the very person we’ve offended by saying things like, “If only you hadn’t been so sensitive.” Instead of defending yourself, it’s often...
Mar 21, 2014 / Relationships and Communication

The Marriage Bucket List for Men

Did you see the 2007 movie Bucket List? It’s about two men who decide to chase their dreams when they find out they don’t have much longer to live.  The movie sparked many to start thinking about what they’d include on their own bucket list.  While a list like this can often seem overwhelming, our All Pro Dad program has created a doable marriage bucket list for you.  Here are a few ideas. First, plan and execute...
Mar 20, 2014 / Husbands

Why Change in Your Relationships is So Easy

Change is easy, transition is not. Let me explain. Change in relationships can be easy to talk about, desire and even envision. It’s the transition from point A to point B that trips people up and keeps them from reaching their destination of real change. The transition…how we get there…is the tough part. So how can we make the transition process easier so that real change will occur in our relationships? First,...
Mar 19, 2014 / Relationships and Communication

The Marriage Bucket List for Women

When you and your husband first fell in love, you had your whole lives ahead of you.  The future was bright and promising as you dreamt and made plans together.  But then jobs became more demanding, your kids were born, and all your energy was spent trying to keep things in order.  Now you’ve found you dreams pushed aside and saved for later.  But I challenge you to pursue those dreams right now with your husband...
Mar 18, 2014 / Wives

Should You Have a Double Standard in Parenting?

The answer? No, yes, and sometimes. There are times when a double standard in parenting is wise and times when it is damaging.  To know the difference, here are 3 categories to think about. First, you should not have a double standard when it comes to the birth order of your kids.  When we have our first child, we’re in control, fresh and ready to go.  But as we have more kids over time, we begin to loosen that...
Mar 17, 2014 / Discipline



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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