
Browse our collection of over 935 broadcasts

How to Tag Team in Parenting

When we were kids, we all liked to play “Tag, You’re It.”  Once a person was tagged to be “it,” they had the responsibility to tag the next person and so on.  My wife, Susan, shares 3 ways the game of tag can apply to parenting.  First, play on the same page.  Tag team parenting begins with being on the same page as our spouse so we don’t give our kids conflicting answers.  Second, we must play from different...
Mar 14, 2014 / Discipline

6 Myths About Men

We’ve grown up in a culture with clearly defined expectations about what a man should be like.  But are these definitions fact or fiction?  Dr. Gary Oliver has spent time compiling a list of 6 myths about men.  First, he shares the myth of how men are big, brave, and strong.  While these are good qualities, these characteristics should not define who a man is at his core.  Second, Oliver discusses the myth of how...
Mar 13, 2014 / Miscellaneous

The Odds of the Perfect Parenting Bracket

CEO Warren Buffet recently offered a one billion dollar prize to the person who could create the perfect bracket for this year’s March Madness basketball tournament.  While the odds are astronomical, people still hold onto the hope of winning.  In the same way, against all odds, parents still pursue that perfect family bracket…a perfect spouse and perfect kids.  To avoid being discouraged by an imperfect family...
Mar 12, 2014 / General

30 Day Mom Challenge

For all the awesome moms out there, I have a challenge for you.  Over the next month, I encourage you to learn one way, every day to be a better mom.  The 30 Day Mom Challenge from our iMOM program provides daily tips to inspire and strengthen women in their parenting walk.  Here are some of the tips this 30 Day Mom Challenge will give you.  On the first day, ask your child, “What can we do together this month?” ...
Mar 11, 2014 / Motherhood

Did I Make the Grade in My Marriage Vows?

25 years ago I had the honor of marrying my beautiful wife, Susan.  In front of hundreds of family and friends, I stood up and made vows to promise to love her well.  Now 25 years later, I’ve read through those vows I once made. How have I done? Have I made the grade? Let’s take a look. I vowed to be “patient and kind, without envy or boasting, pride or arrogance.”  I give myself a B- on this one. My love is...
Mar 10, 2014 / General

Leaders Set the Climate

It’s not something that’s in your job description at work.  It’s not something that you think about as a husband, wife or parent.  But it’s critical in any position of leadership.  It’s establishing the climate… the right kind of climate.  A mother or father establishes the climate when they walk through the door at night.  A worker sets the temperature for co-workers at the office.  A coach sets the climate out...
Mar 07, 2014 / Family Living

The Greatest Gift of a Leader

It’s the gift of listening to others. In his new book, A Leader’s Gift, author Barry Banther shares that when we’re speaking with someone, we often “wonder whether the other person is really listening or just waiting to respond. Few people are actually listening to understand.” I’m definitely guilty…I often find myself not really listening to the other person; I’m just thinking about what I want to say. Banther...
Mar 06, 2014 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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