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The Uncommon Marriage Adventure

But in the midst of the journey, you constantly face demands, dangers, and disappointments. But there’s one person you should always be able to count on—your spouse! So here are 3 ways to be a good teammate to your spouse. First, be committed to staying together—no matter what. Second, be sensitive and considerate to your spouse during seasons of transition. Finally, don’t let difficult times pull you away from...
Jan 06, 2015 / General

Why You Should Build a Relationship with Your Son's Date Quickly

My wife, Susan, and I are advocates for interviewing your daughter’s date, but we also see the importance of building a relationship with your son’s dates too. There are several reasons. First, you are showing the girl that your family cares about each other. While it might seem intimidating, she should understand that family comes first. If she’s the right “dating material,” she’ll appreciate that.  If she...
Jan 05, 2015 / General

4 Signs of an Unhealthy Marriage

So you’re getting into a small disagreements with your spouse…no big deal, so you just shake it off…hoping that they’ll go away. But maybe those little spats are simply signs of bigger issues. So what are some signs that your marriage is becoming unhealthy? The first sign is when you’re keeping secrets and hiding things from your spouse…when there’s a lack of trust in your relationship. The second sign of an...
Jan 01, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

Two to Tango: Marriage Lessons from The Song movie

The easiest thing to do is to look at your spouse…I mean, they’re the reason that you’ve got problems in your marriage in the first place, right? Well, let me ask you, have things gotten better since you blamed your spouse for all your problems? Hmmm…my guess is…no. A fantastic new movie, The Song, shows us how it really does take two to tango…how more often than not, both a husband and wife contribute to marriage...
Oct 02, 2014 / Saving Your Marriage

8 Warnings Signs Your Child is Headed for Trouble

As parents, it is our duty to keep an eye on our kids. That includes looking for any danger signs you might see as they travel through those young years. Here are some warning signs that your child may be headed for trouble and solutions to lead them back on the right road. First, your child may be headed for trouble when they have excessive mood swings. If they’re going from extreme highs to extreme lows, instead...
Oct 01, 2014 / General

An Ancient King, a Rock Star, and Me

A new movie, The Song, releases in theaters on September 26th. Inspired by the life and writings of the ancient King Solomon, this great date-night film is about an up-and-coming musician, Jed King who wants to break out of the shadow of his infamous superstar father.  He has good intentions, but very quickly starts pursuing fame, fortune, power and pleasure…all those things that never bring him ultimate...
Sep 25, 2014 / Inspirational

4 Cold-Water Facts for Frustrated Spouses

Recently, my wife, Susan, and I had one of those conflicts where we started talking about one thing, but ended up listing everything that we sometimes find irritating about each other.  All of it could have been avoided if we just remembered some important facts. First, we are equal opportunity agitators.  We both do things that annoy each other, and we need to step back and look at ourselves, first. Second, it’s...
Sep 22, 2014 / Saving Your Marriage



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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