
Browse our collection of over 938 broadcasts

Do You Choose Gratitude?

You make decisions every day—what to eat, what to wear, where to go.  If you find yourself complaining…or frequently irritated, then make the decision to be content…to be satisfied with your circumstances in life.  It’s not hard, but it does take practice.  Next time you think of what’s wrong with your situation, stop!  For instance, instead of complaining because you have to mow the lawn, be thankful that you...
Nov 16, 2011 / Character

Nov 15, 2011 / General

Nov 15, 2011 / General

Nov 14, 2011 / Holidays

Six A's of Good Parenting

Our kids are constantly evaluated on their abilities at school, in sports, in the arts and even at home. But what about you?  What grade would your kids give you as a parent?  Well, here’s a way to make an A every time.  Remember the 6 A’s of parenting.  First is Affirmation.  When your children are sharing their feelings or opinions, they want you to listen to them, identify with them and affirm them.  Second is...
Nov 14, 2011 / General

When to be a "Yes" Parent

There are many times when we must stand strong as parents and say “no” to our children, especially when something is not what’s best for them.  Because I often say “no” to my kids, I am always searching for more ways to say “yes.” So, every time one of my kids asks me to do something with them, I do my best to figure out how to make it happen even though it’s inconvenient or even though I had other plans.  When it...
Nov 10, 2011 / General

Are You Always Fighting with Your Spouse?

Maybe you’ve had a bad day at the office, or you’re stressed about the bills. You’re grouchy, you’re ready to unload, and you let the words fly. You take out your frustration on your mate hoping they’ll take the bait. Well, there’s a better way to vent.  Instead of creating conflict, try these 3 ways to fight conflict in your marriage.  When you see your spouse, just say, "I’m cranky." They’ll ask why, and that’s...
Nov 09, 2011 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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