
Browse our collection of over 938 broadcasts

Communicating with Kids Who Hurt

With five teenagers, I've learned that one of the most important things I can do when my children are going through a tough time is to ask caring questions, like "You seem very sad, how are you feeling?"… "I can see that you're hurting; what's going on in that heart of yours right now?" Or, I'm hurting because I can see that you're hurting… what's causing your pain?" After you've asked the question, be sure just...
Jan 10, 2012 / General

Do You Remember Your First Kiss…With Your Spouse?

Do you remember your first date with your wife? What about the first time your husband kissed you? Thinking back to those early days of dating is a great way to rekindle the passion in your relationship. If it's possible, re-create your first date or re-enact your marriage proposal. Spend time just sitting on the couch together talking about what you thought the first time you met . . . or when you realized you...
Jan 09, 2012 / Dating Your Spouse

Argument Curfew: How To Stop Arguing with Your Spouse

Soon after my wife and I were married, we made a discovery.  It seemed like when we argued, it was at night… when we were tired and irritable from a long day.  So we set a curfew on serious discussions:  nine o’clock is the limit.  Now, when we start to get into a heavy talk after nine, we remind each other that it’s late, we’re not going to resolve anything tonight, and we can talk about it tomorrow. This way, we...
Dec 16, 2011 / Communication

Thanksgiving and Serving Your Family

Every family has those moments.  You know the ones…the grownups who just can’t seem to get along when the family gets together for the holidays.  Well, why not take a page from history?  For many years, the Presidential family has been given a turkey for their family meal.  The bird is intended to be roasted, fried, baked or fricasseed, but instead of getting what he deserves, the President pardons the poultry. ...
Nov 24, 2011 / Holidays

The Importance of Family Meals

The benefits of eating together will last long after your meal ends. Do you know why meal time matters? Studies show that families who eat together regularly are less likely to have children who smoke, drink, do drugs, become depressed or develop eating disorders. Their children eat healthier meals, do better in school, and are more likely to delay becoming involved in sexual relationships. Sure, the dinner table...
Nov 22, 2011 / Family Time & Vacations

Giving Thanks

This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and most of us will pause and give thanks for our blessings.  But what about the other 364 days of the year? Try this: every morning, say out loud three things you’re thankful for. I mean it. Even if you’re having a really rough time in your life, be thankful through hardship. If you think about it, there are always things to be grateful for. Your husband. Your wife. Your...
Nov 21, 2011 / Holidays

7 Notes You Should Write Your Children

Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts, Jim Caldwell, shared with me how he wrote many letters to his daughter while she was in college. But she never said anything to him about it. He wondered if she ever even read them.  Then, one day when Jim was visiting her, he saw all of the letters he had written proudly posted on her dorm room bulletin board! Notes are powerful. Write to your kids. Your children may not...
Nov 17, 2011 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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