
Browse our collection of over 938 broadcasts

10 Ways to Get Your Kids to Stop Whining

It’s the sound of a whining child!  Parents will do almost anything to make it stop.  But yelling or responding harshly to a whining child is one of the worst things you can do.  Instead, try this.    First, ignore it.  If you do, your child will learn that whining doesn’t work.  Second, when your child begins to whine, simply leave the room.  Third, remove the cause of the whining.  Fourth, name it…say something...
Jan 18, 2012 / General

A Dream That Lives On

Today we remember the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. … a man of ministry, peace and vision.  He dreamed of equality between all races.  In 1963, Dr. King said, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”  What’s your dream for your kids?  Is it your dream or theirs? Is it what’s best for...
Jan 17, 2012 / Holidays

A Great Dad is Courageous

Jan 16, 2012 / Fatherhood

A Great Dad is Courageous

To be a great dad takes courage.  The courage to set your own house rules, to admit when you are wrong, and to be a parent, not a pal, to your kids.  In the movie, Courageous, five men sign a resolution to be the best fathers they can be. They discover it’s one of the most difficult challenges of their lives.  Alex, the lead character in Courageous said, “I don’t feel like I started well, I want to finish well.” ...
Jan 16, 2012 / Fatherhood

A Winter Season of Life

Winter… it can be a harsh season of blizzards, dreary skies, leafless trees and brown grass. But winter is so important… if the grass didn't freeze, if the trees didn't shed, if the flowers didn't fade, we wouldn't have such rich foliage and vibrant growth in the spring. Maybe you're going through a winter season in your life right now…maybe it's the loss of a job, a serious illness, or death of a family member....
Jan 13, 2012 / Coping & Loss

How To Get Rid of Holiday Debt

Hopefully you didn’t go into debt over the holidays.  But if you did, getting the mail can be a real downer.  So now what?  To start with, don’t go into denial and keep charging. Take a deep breath, put away your credit cards and pay cash.  Next, figure out a payment plan and stick to it.  Then, focus on the positives of your plan. Being debt-free will give you peace of mind to enjoy what the New Year will bring....
Jan 12, 2012 / Career & Finances

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Family

It seems that resolutions are made to be broken. Is it any wonder then, that kids often say parents talk the talk – but don't walk the walk? Breaking resolutions may seem like no big deal. But if our kids hear us make those pledges and then not keep them… we're giving them another example of how it's okay to break your word. Then they might figure it's also okay to violate contracts, or even ignore things… like...
Jan 11, 2012 / Holidays



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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