
Browse our collection of over 92 broadcasts

Marriage Maintenance

If you don’t maintain your car—change the oil, filter, check the points—on a regular basis, it may start clanking and sputtering.  If your spouse is making noises…if they’re negative, nagging, or flat out nasty, maybe it’s time to check under the hood.  When you do, you may find that neglect is the culprit…a husband who has neglected to listen to what his wife really needs, or a wife who has neglected her husband...
Jan 15, 2014 / General

8 Top Marriage Posts of 2013

On my blog, I focus a lot on providing practical solutions to people’s deepest marital problems.  With the year coming to a close, I looked through the marriage blogs I wrote, pulled out the most popular ones, and put them into a short list for you.  Tens of thousands of readers consumed “10 Things Wives Want to Hear from their Husbands” and its counterpart, “10 Things Husbands Want to Hear from their Wives.” ...
Dec 30, 2013 / General

6 Ways Your Marriage Can Thrive in a Busy Season

There’s another project at work, another practice to drive your kids to, another meal to cook, another trip to take…the list goes on.  So how can your marriage not only survive, but thrive in those seasons of busyness?  Here are 6 ways.  First, set aside a few minutes during your day to stay in touch.  Shoot a quick text or a make a short phone call to your spouse just to let them know you’re thinking of them. ...
Dec 03, 2013 / General

Married to a Masterpiece

A Swiss art collector recently paid $19,000 for what was presumed to be a 19th-century German portrait. Later, it was discovered that the portrait was actually painted by Leonardo da Vinci… and worth more than 150 million dollars. After you’ve been married for a while, it’s easy to take each other for granted… to assume your relationship isn’t worth much… to lose sight of just how valuable your spouse is. But if...
Nov 20, 2013 / General

Why Teamwork in Marriage Matters

The moment you said your vows, you promised everything to your spouse…your love, your time, your forgiveness…and your money.  Rachel Cruze, daughter of Dave Ramsey, has written a guest post on my blog about the importance of teamwork in your marriage when dealing with money.  She recommends making a family budget together.  This should be a budget that you and your spouse discuss and then ultimately agree to stick...
Oct 28, 2013 / General

Your Spouse is Not the Enemy

Well, your spouse is not the enemy. But sometimes husbands and wives can find themselves keeping a marital scorecard. They keep track of who spends more, disciplines more, does the dishes more, cleans more, mows more, and works more. If couples aren’t careful, they can become bitter and resent the other for not helping enough or for having more fun. So, if you find yourself keeping score, what should you do? Start...
Oct 24, 2013 / General

3 Things 12 Years of Marriage Taught Me (New Post)

Speaker and author Jon Acuff jokingly claims that he wishes he could have saved his honeymoon for 3 years into his marriage.  Jon explains how you barely know your wife at the start of marriage. So, you should hold off on the honeymoon until you’ve figured each other out a little better and know each other a little deeper.  After 12 years of marriage, Jon says he’s learned 3 important things.  First, your wife...
Oct 21, 2013 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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