
Browse our collection of over 92 broadcasts

Are You Sure You Can Make Medical Decisions for Your Child?

Recently, a friend asked a small group of us that question. We all had unmarried adult children. She explained to us that if our any of our children were incapacitated and needed someone to make healthcare decisions on their behalf, and see their personal health information, a signed Designation of Health Care Surrogate was necessary. Without it, we did not have legal permission to make decisions or receive...
Feb 20, 2025 / General

Building a Firm Foundation for an Uncommon Marriage

In his book, Uncommon Marriage, Tony Dungy writes “So many problems in marriage occur when spouses notice that the intense physical attraction is no longer there and assume that must mean that the love is gone.”  Coach Dungy goes on to share three ways to build a strong and lasting foundation in your marriage. First, don’t rely on feelings.  Love is a choice you must make every day. It’s not just something you’re...
Feb 19, 2025 / General

Are You Equipped to Protect Your Family from Pornography?

Recently, my adult sons and I decided to watch a movie together.  Half way through the movie, a very inappropriate scene unfolded on the screen…I was shocked.  I grabbed the remote and fumbled to get it off the screen. I knew it said PG-13 on the trailer but when I looked again it said, “UN” next to the movie we rented. That stands for unedited…basically, anything goes. My job as a father is to protect my...
Feb 13, 2025 / General

How to Create an Uncommon Marriage

In his book, Uncommon Marriage, Tony Dungy writes about the time his family prepared to move to Florida. He had just accepted the head coaching job for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  It was an exciting time, but also a stressful time in their marriage…a new job and another move.  Coach Dungy shares how they overcame this challenge…“We talked, walked, prayed, and tried to stay connected.”  Using these four ideas, we...
Feb 12, 2025 / General

Marriage and Loneliness

Maybe you’re lonely because your spouse is never home.  Maybe they’re at home but still very distant…you’re searching for intimacy with your soul-mate, craving their companionship.  What can you do when you’re feeling so far away from your spouse?  First, communicate your need to your spouse in a non-confrontational and non-accusatory manner.  Let them know that you love them and want to spend time with them. ...
Feb 07, 2025 / General

What to Look for in a Spouse

There are lots of qualities that matter: character, integrity, stability. But here’s something else to consider: look for someone who encourages you and has a positive outlook. It’s hard to have a happy marriage when your partner constantly criticizes you or makes you feel inadequate. Your spouse should be trying to build you up, not tear you down. And, it’s easier to have a happy marriage when you’re with someone...
Jan 24, 2025 / General

8 Mistakes I've Made in My Marriage

I am so grateful for my 23 years of marriage to my wife, Susan.  She’s awesome! But I can tell you that I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my marriage. Here are 8 of them. Mistake number one…thinking that Susan was responsible for my happiness. In my early years of marriage, I felt like an important part of Susan’s “duty” as my wife was to make me happy. I was a bit more focused on me than us. Mistake number...
Jan 10, 2025 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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