
Browse our collection of over 936 broadcasts

4 Marriage Rules You Should Break

When you think of marriage rules, you think of the ones you should keep.  Be loving. . .be faithful. . .be honest.  But, here are some marriage rules you should break.  First, be 100 percent yourself.  Yes, you want your spouse to accept you completely for who you are.  But, on those days when the “real” you feels grumpy, irritated and out of sorts, try not to dump on your spouse.  Second, do everything together. ...
Sep 19, 2013 / General

Should You Insulate or Isolate Your Children?

To determine whether you should just insulate or completely isolate your child from potential temptation, bad influences, or pain, here’s a quick checklist.  First, what’s the risk factor? When your child asks to do something, you should first and foremost identify whether this activity poses a real threat to your son or daughter.  Second, has your child earned your trust? Have they consistently done what you’ve...
Sep 18, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Be Anxious for Nothing

It’s the word "if." Think about it. We spend so much time worrying… "if we lose our house," "if I get sick" or “if I lose my job”… that we can't enjoy life.  Erma Bombeck said, "Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere."  And Dr. Gary Oliver says you can master worry by doing 10 things.  First, face your worries.  Second, pinpoint your worries and anxieties.  Third,...
Sep 17, 2013 / Miscellaneous

What Kind of Friend Are You?

My guess is that it’s people who accept you as you are…who don’t try to change, critique, or control you.  Have you ever thought about whether other people really like to be around you?  If not, maybe it’s because they feel, right or wrong, that deep down inside, you really don’t love or accept them for who they are…you’re always trying to change the way they do something, you’re constantly criticizing them for...
Sep 16, 2013 / Relationships and Communication

The Same Old Marriage Fights and How to Change

Susan and I have been married 24 years. After so many years, you’d think we would have smooth sailing in our relationship all the time, right? Well, not really. We still argue. And, more often than not, it’s usually about the same two or three things…like my sometimes critical spirit towards Susan.  So, what can be done about the same old marriage fights? First, identify the root cause of the problem. Once you and...
Sep 13, 2013 / Communication

6 Ways to Make Every School Year Count

My wife, Susan, and I have five children and we’ve learned – sometimes the hard way – a few back-to-school lessons along the way.  Our kids have experienced every type of school – public school. . . private school. . . and homeschool.  And we have experienced every type of learner.  So we’ve taken all that experience and put it in a free Back-to-School ebook that will help make every year count!  Learn how to...
Sep 11, 2013 / School and Learning

12 Things That Can Cause Marriage Failure

You want it to last for life. But you see so many things that need to change in your spouse.  Well, maybe, just maybe, you’ve also contributed to putting your relationship on a dangerous road.  Here are 12 things that can cause marriage failure.  First, you work more on your wedding than on your marriage. You spend hundreds of hours planning for your wedding, but choose not to spend time planning for a growing...
Sep 10, 2013 / Saving Your Marriage



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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