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5 Common Mistakes Women Make in Marriage

First, not showing their husband respect.  Respect his judgment.  Don’t constantly second guess his decisions.  Respect his abilities.  So, he may not be Mr. Fix-it.  Give him a chance.  Second, not affirming him as a man. Tell him you think he is handsome.  Thank him for being a good father and provider.  Third, they let their life revolve around the kids.  Remember, at some point, they will leave the nest. . ....
Nov 05, 2013 / Wives

5 Common Mistakes Men Make in Marriage

We all make mistakes.  That’s a given.  Here are 5 of the biggest mistakes men make in marriage.  First, they don’t think of the needs of their spouse.  So, when you schedule a date night with your wife, plan ahead.  Don’t wait until you are ready to walk out the door and say “what do you feel like doing?”  Second, they don’t listen. Don’t assume you know what she is going to say.  Just listen. Third, they try to...
Nov 04, 2013 / Husbands

3 Ways to Get to the Root of Anger

Recently, my son asked me that question after I had a tough day at work.  It would have been easy to disregard his comment and disregard my anger, but it made me think instead.  Dr. Gary Oliver writes about the danger of anger in his book, Mad About Us. He compares our moments of anger to warning lights that come on in our cars.  When we see the blinking light in our car, we fix it to avoid bigger problems down...
Nov 01, 2013 / Family Health

How to Fall Back in Love with Your Spouse

Tonight’s trick-or-treating and Fall Festivals will be all about the kids—from silly costumes and practical jokes to bags stuffed full of candy.  So, once the last bit of candy is eaten and the kids taken care of, make tomorrow all about you and your spouse. Surprise them with a Fall date!  Take a drive through the countryside and admire the changing colors of the leaves.  Grab dinner and something hot to drink,...
Oct 31, 2013 / Dating Your Spouse

8 Things Every Father Must Teach His Daughter

My three daughters know my voice.  When they were younger, they listened to my voice as I read bedtime stories and cheered them on at their soccer games, piano recitals, and school plays. As they grew older, my daughters began to notice other voices in the world…voices from people and sources that would never love them like I do. So my job was to make sure my daughters heard my voice above all others.  Here are 8...
Oct 30, 2013 / Fatherhood

How to Stop Sibling Rivalry

A friend of mine with three teen boys once said they never get into fights.  Wow!  I can’t relate to that.  My mom and dad did a good job encouraging me and my two brothers to love one another, and we’re best friends today.  But we still had brotherly brawls and beat each other up on a few occasions when we were kids.  Now, I’m not advocating that, but sibling conflicts do occur.  So try not to get down about it. ...
Oct 29, 2013 / Discipline

Why Teamwork in Marriage Matters

The moment you said your vows, you promised everything to your spouse…your love, your time, your forgiveness…and your money.  Rachel Cruze, daughter of Dave Ramsey, has written a guest post on my blog about the importance of teamwork in your marriage when dealing with money.  She recommends making a family budget together.  This should be a budget that you and your spouse discuss and then ultimately agree to stick...
Oct 28, 2013 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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