
Browse our collection of over 936 broadcasts

How to Be a Good Investor

Every good investor has vision…patience… and insight.  An old Chinese proverb offers this lesson.  If your vision is for a year, plant wheat.  If your vision is for ten years, plant trees.  But if your vision is for a lifetime, plant people.  Things like stocks come and go, but people will carry your values and beliefs through generations.  Investing in your family is the ultimate long-term view, the mutual fund...
Nov 14, 2013 / Family Time & Vacations

Character in Kids: There's No App for That

With technology advancing, you can find an app to teach you just about anything.  But there is one thing no app can teach your kids: character.  You are the only one who can build lasting character in your children.  Here are 4 ways to teach character to your kids.  First, be intentional.  Teaching character to your child requires laying a foundation and building on that foundation over time as you do life...
Nov 13, 2013 / General

4 Ways to Man-age Your Home When Dealing with Illness

If you’ve ever had a spouse who’s been ill for any length of time, you know how tough it is on them and you.  During our 24 years of marriage, my wife Susan has had many surgeries, mostly relating to her heart and pacemaker.  These trying times put me solely in charge of managing our home.  And while I didn’t always do it well, I found that there are 4 specific ways to help manage the home during illness.  First,...
Nov 12, 2013 / Family Health

Will You Honor our Veterans?

Veterans Day pays tribute to American veterans of all wars — especially those veterans still living. So spend some time this holiday honoring their service to our country. Fly the American flag in front of your home. Teach your children what the holiday means and why we celebrate it. Encourage them to send notes or cards to veterans you know, or those in hospitals and veterans’ homes. Volunteer with your kids in...
Nov 11, 2013 / Holidays

How to Be an Out of Control Parent

When our kids are young, we enjoy being “in control” parents.  We control what they eat, where they go, and even who they spend time with.  But all kids grow up, right? So how can you slowly let go of the steering wheel and prepare them for the future?  Move from being an “in control” parent to an “out of control” parent in 3 steps.  First, when they’re really little, you drive everything.  Second, as they mature...
Nov 08, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

8 Things to Be Thankful for

Americans love to indulge on Thanksgiving. Can’t you just taste that juicy turkey and dressing? Well, there are people who won’t get to enjoy even the first bite of turkey. Maybe they’re unmarried and don’t have any family nearby. Maybe they’re a single mom with three kids and can’t afford all the fixings. Or maybe they’re your elderly neighbor who’s embarrassed to admit they don’t have plans. Think about people...
Nov 07, 2013 / Holidays

My Productivity Tools for Relationships

The world seems to provide us an easy solution to every problem.  Whether it’s organizing our work or schedule plans, we find tons of resources at our fingertips.  However, when it comes to improving our relationships, there’s not always a clear set of steps to take.  Relationships can’t be built overnight.  They take time, effort, and love.  Rather than chase after the next new app, I’d encourage you to build and...
Nov 06, 2013 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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