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Regularly Scheduled Maintenance

Our relationship with our spouse is a lot like our car…it needs regularly scheduled maintenance. Can you imagine if you never changed the oil in your vehicle, changed your filters, or even filled your tank? It wouldn't take very long before the engine would stop working and leave you stranded on the side of the road! Well, your marriage needs regular maintenance, too. When's the last time you had a tune up? ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

Marriage Battles: Fight, Retreat, Repeat

During the Civil War more than half of the skirmishes took place in Virginia, and each battle was just a continuation of the previous fight. Same reasons… same territory…different days. Sometimes marriage is like that. You have the same fights over and over about the kids, the money, the romance. The list goes on and on. But rather than continuing to take up arms, join hands and draft a resolution. Each of you...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

10 Things Husbands Want to Hear from Wives

Well, maybe you're not saying what he wants to hear. What your husband craves are words of praise and validation from the most important person in his life. There are 10 things your husband wants to hear from you. Number one… "I love being your wife." Number two… "You're an outstanding father." Three… "I'm really attracted to you. You are the Man!" Four… "I really respect the decision you made." Join me...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

Instant Relationships

Let's face it—we live in a world of instant gratification. We want it all, and we want it now. We're a nation of express lanes, fast food, texts and tweets. But it's a problem when we impose those same expectations on people. We want instant acceptance from our peers, instant response from our colleagues, instant help from our spouse—regardless of the circumstances. And when we don't get the immediate response we...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Living

Picnic = Summer Fun!

There's nothing to do! I'm bored!" Sound familiar? Wasn't it just yesterday that everyone was excited about school being out? But just a few weeks in, and you're pulling your hair out for some ideas to entertain the troops that won't cost an arm and a leg. Well, no need to worry. July is Picnic Month, so take your PB&J, and head out for a little lunch on the lawn. Better yet, try a change of scenery…load the...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

Make the Most of Your Time

This Sunday, Daylight Savings Time ends – which means the days will seem shorter. As if they're not short enough already! As they say, there's only so much time in a day. Everything we say "yes" to takes time away from something – or someone – else. Usually it's our spouse or our children. We've got to say "no" to more outside things – "no" to that dinner meeting, "no" to joining that committee, "no" to that golf...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

Teens and Depression

The teen years can bring some tough emotional struggles. Most kids want to be popular and well-liked. If that doesn't happen, they can turn inward and withdraw into depression, or they can vent outward and do harm to themselves or others. What can you do? Well, the Journal of Youth and Adolescence says that religious worship significantly reduces depression among teenagers. It gets kids connected to something...
Jan 01, 1970 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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