
Browse our collection of over 925 broadcasts

Wanted: Male Role Models

By the time boys are 4 to 6 years old, they often feel the need for a masculine role model. And that need doesn't change as boys grow older. If your son's father is not in the picture, another adult male you trust needs to be involved in his life. You might find a man to mentor your son through a mentoring program. Or, you might have some male relatives, friends, or neighbors who would be good role models for...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

The Weight of the World

If you really want to know, ask a single parent. Their job is never-ending. Their work is never done. Day after day they carry the load … alone. No wonder they often feel like they have the whole world on their shoulders. So how can we help single moms or dads? Start with the little things. The next time you're washing your car, offer to wash theirs too. Drop off dinner, or watch their children for the evening, so...
Jan 01, 1970 / Single Parenting

What’s Your Secret?

Most of us have one or two things we'd rather not share with the outside world, but some people are slaves to their secrets. Extramarital affairs; drug, alcohol and pornography addictions; spouse or child abuse – all are secrets that can consume and destroy lives, marriages, families and jobs. If you live in that bondage, or you're hiding something from your spouse, children or friends, it's time to come clean....
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

You Can Be a Friend

Some children seem to have the knack of making friends easily, while others struggle. If your child is one who has a hard time making friends, there are 4 things you can encourage them to do. First, smile so people will know you're friendly. Second, compliment your new friend so they know you like them. Third, ask questions to get to know your friend better. Fourth, invite your friend to our house to play. ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Life Stage: Grade-schoolers

The Importance of Laughter

Laugh together. It's no joke. Laughter not only makes us feel good, but according to research cited in the Canadian Family Physician journal, it releases chemicals associated with bonding. A hearty belly laugh increases oxygen in your blood stream and gives your heart a work out. That releases even more feel-good endorphins. Humor helps us cope with stress; it relieves tension and creates a feeling of intimacy,...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

The Annoying Spouse

It drives you crazy when he makes snap decisions, but his resolve was one of the reasons you fell in love with him. It bothers you that she's always talking to her friends, but her bubbly personality is what drew you to her in the first place. So what should you do? Spend the rest of your lives irritated with each other? Of course not. Instead, you should remember and appreciate those things that first...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

Regularly Scheduled Maintenance

This week we are featuring the 5 most popular Family Minutes from 2010. Today is Number 2...Our relationship with our spouse is a lot like our car…it needs regularly scheduled maintenance. Can you imagine if you never changed the oil in your vehicle, changed your filters, or even filled your tank? It wouldn't take very long before the engine would stop working and leave you stranded on the side of the road! ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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