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Why Education is Not the Most Important Thing for Kids

Mar 16, 2016 / School and Learning     

In 1870, 9,000 people graduated from college in America.  This year, about 3.7 million people will.  As our kids spend more years in school than any previous generation, we have to ask, “Are our kids being educated on the things that matter most?  Education as we know it today—head knowledge—is very, very important.  But what about “heart knowledge?”—things like character and virtues.   Heart knowledge is necessary to lead a productive and meaningful life. What are some of those virtues that should be woven into our kid’s lives at home and reinforced at school?  First, integrity.  A child must learn what’s right and the importance of doing the right thing in all circumstances. Here are more of the virtues we must teach our kids and Why Education is Not the Most Important Thing for Kids



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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