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How Dads Can Color Outside the Lines

Jun 03, 2015 / Motherhood     

Society has standards for what fatherhood should look like. But each father has unique strengths that make for unique parenting. So here are 3 ways dads can color outside the lines. First, consider whose lines you’re trying to color in. Ask yourself, “Am I making decisions to impress others? Or am I making decisions that are best for my family?” Second, determine what success looks like for your family. Make a list of what’s most important and pursue it. Finally, rewrite your story. If you’ve just been drifting along, start a new chapter for your family life. Be intentional about being the best dad you can be. Be creative, bold.

For more on this topic from All Pro Dad, go to How Dads Can Color Outside the Lines.



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Mark Merrill

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