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5 Reasons Why Your Teen is Rebelling

May 06, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers     

The teen years arrive and many parents look back and now think the toddler, tike and even tween years were just a stroll in the park compared to what they are experiencing now. Why?  Here are 5 reasons why your teen may be rebelling. First, they are struggling for identity. Your teen is trying to answer the question, “Who am I?” They’re also seeking validation in who they are as a person, not in their performance. Second, they are struggling for acceptance. You remember trying to be cool, to fit in, right? It’s the same today. Teens still want to be part of the crowd, they want a sense of belonging and acceptance.  Here are the rest of the 5 Reasons Your Teen May Be Rebelling.

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Mark Merrill

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