
Browse our collection of over 38 broadcasts

How to Give Your Teenager Dating Advice When You Disapprove

We’ve all seen it in the movies…the sweet, innocent daughter falls for the greasy-haired, rebel boy that the parents can’t stand.  Maybe that’s extreme, but it’s still very common for parents to find their older teens and adult children pursuing relationships they don’t approve of.  So here are 4 ways to direct your child with wisdom.  First, begin with love.  Start the conversation with love by sharing how you...
Mar 25, 2025 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Talking to Your Teenager About Tough Topics

There are a lot of difficult topics that parents and teens have to navigate through together. Talking about alcohol, drugs, pornography, premarital sex, and many other issues can be very uncomfortable for you and your teen. So, what should a parent do? First, share with them right up front that you realize this is difficult to talk about but it’s too important to ignore. Second, let them know that you love them no...
Nov 29, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

5 Ways to Teach Your Teen How to Think Critically

Sure, you can respond with a “yes, you can go” or “no, you can’t go.” But there’s a better way. That better way is to ask them good questions that may lead them to their own answer. You can ask them information questions like, “Where are you going?” and “Will their parents be there?” You can ask what if questions, “If someone brings alcohol or drugs, what are you going to do?” Finally, you can ask them consequence...
Oct 14, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Guarantee Your Teen Learns Nothing from Bad Decisions

The question is not whether your teen will make a bone-headed or maybe even rebellious decision. The question is how you, the parent, will react. Here are some ways that will guarantee your teen learns absolutely nothing from a bad decision. First, protect them from all painful, uncomfortable, expensive or embarrassing consequences. This will ensure that they will do it again. They’ll think they can do pretty much...
Sep 12, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Handle Teenage Rebellion

As parents we must understand why our teen is rebelling if we want to figure out what to do in response.  Here are 5 reasons why your teen is rebelling and 5 solutions for you.  First, your teenager may be rebelling because they’re struggling for identity. They’re trying to answer the question “Who am I?”  As a parent, you must communicate to your teen that their identity is found in who they are, not in what they...
Jul 09, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Teenager and Parent Relationship Advice

Over the years, my wife, Susan has taught me how to maintain a great relationship with each of our children. Here are a few lessons I’ve learned. First, don’t take it personally.  When my daughters became teens, I didn’t understand…“Why doesn’t she want to hold my hand?” “Why would she rather go to the mall than go bike riding with me?” Susan told me, “Don’t take it personally, and don’t try to force anything…give...
Jun 25, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Teen Friends: 4 Things Every Parent Must Know

Giving teens room to grow while guarding them is a balancing act. But there are some things you simply must know about your teen’s friends. First, get to know them. Learn more about their friends by having them over to your house. You'll learn a lot through casual conversation. Second, get to know their parents. Introduce yourself to them and try to discern whether they have the same parenting mind-set.  Third,...
Aug 31, 2018 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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