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Your Daughter and the Reality of Teenage Sex

Nov 21, 2024 / General     

As our little girls grow into young ladies, one of our biggest concerns becomes the boys in their lives. As parents, we know the danger of a fragile heart in the hands of an immature boy. But unless we understand the issues, our girls will probably remain blind to the emotional and physical consequences that come with being physically intimate. So here are some key factors to be aware of that may increase your daughter’s likelihood of being sexually active at a young age. First, alcohol consumption and peer pressure can compromise her ability to make wise choices. Second, all rules and no relationship with you may push your daughter to hide her struggles rather than seek your advice. So build your relationship with your daughter. Learn more basic truths about your daughter and the reality of teenage sex. Remember, your Family First.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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