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Things Every Parent Should Say

May 09, 2013 / General     

That’s a strange question, but one that every parent needs to be able to answer.  Sure, your kids know you love them, but they also want to know why you love them.  They need to know that you don’t love them because they get good grades, because they’re a star athlete, or because they’re super talented.  They need to know that you do love them for who they are…an incredible creation with infinite value, dignity and worth.  So, hold your child close and say, “I love you just because you’re you!” with our 10 reasons why I love you printable for kids. And let them know that your love is forever and doesn’t have any strings attached.  Say it often.  Say it sincerely.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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