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Teaching Your Child to Tell the Truth

Sep 30, 2013 / General     

Most kids generally understand that when you get your paycheck, you deposit it into a bank, and then the bank pays you a little something called interest for keeping your money there. In the same way, explain to your children that each time they tell the truth, a deposit is made in your “trust account.” When a lie is told, that account is depleted.  The more deposits that are made, the more you trust them and thus, the more privileges they earn in return.  Initially, the returns on their deposits might be spending the night out at a friend’s house or getting a cell phone. As their account grows, they’ll get even bigger dividends. For more ideas, here are 6 ways to keep your kids honest.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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