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Parents: Choose Your Words Wisely

Oct 10, 2013 / General     

I know there are times when I’ve said things I wish I hadn’t. This can be especially true for a parent who, in stressful times, tells his kids to “shut up” or a spouse who says harsh things to his mate – things he later regrets. You can’t rewind and erase your words, so choose your words wisely. Here’s how. First, in a heated moment, remember that silence is golden. You will never regret a harsh word you never said. Second, when you do finally talk, do it in a gentle and respectful manner. Sure, your child might babble on and your spouse may get heated, but you can still keep your cool and respond gently and patiently. Here’s more on the 4 steps to successful parenting.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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