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New Research: Teach Gratefulness by Giving Your Kids Less

Feb 24, 2025 / General     

Unfortunately, our culture constantly tells our children they need more and more.  And most of the time, that “more” has to come from us.  As parents, we like to make our children happy.  But recent research cited in the Wall Street Journal says our children would be much happier if we didn’t give them everything they wanted. So, here are a few ways to give your children less. Instead of just feeding your children, have them help with the cooking as they get older. Instead of just buying them things they want, give them work around the house so they can earn money to buy those things.  For more ways to give your kids less, check out my blog at



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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