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Make Your Kids Feel like All-Stars

Jul 12, 2012 / General     

Be a great coach.  Children who started out in Little League are playing in baseball’s All-Star game tonight.  Because of the encouragement and validation their coaches gave, they were able to make it to the big leagues.  Coaches want to win. But more importantly, a great coach wants kids to have fun, get exercise and learn good sportsmanship.  A child wants to be valuable to the team…to be an All-Star.  To make that happen, a great coach needs to follow three simple rules.  First, don’t put pressure on the child.  Let each player find his own place on the team.  Second, make sure each kid gets some one-on-one attention.  And third, encourage their natural talents. You can start by using these phrases for praises. And here’s more help on how to coach your kids.  



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Mark Merrill

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