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Lie #3: You Can Have it Now

May 27, 2013 / General     

The last two Monday’s I’ve talked about lies that can hurt your child.  The 3rd lie parents tell their children is, “You can have it now.”  The four-letter word no child wants to hear is, “Wait.”  Let’s face it, neither do we.  We live in a society of instant gratification…fast food, instant downloads, immediate access.  Instant is good, right?  Well, it’s convenient, but there is value in waiting too.  But we can’t just tell our kids they need to wait; we have to show them how by example.  Wait and be patient in traffic.  Wait in the checkout line without grumbling.  When they see your patience, they’ll know that “wait” is not a bad word, after all. 



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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