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How to Recover When You "Miss a Moment" with Your Child

Jan 26, 2015 / General     

There will be times when you will miss a big moments in your kids’ lives—moments like their game, their school play, or even their piano recital. And whether missing these big moments is intentional or not, it still damages your relationship with your child. So here are 3 A’s to recovering when you miss a big moment with your child. First, be aware. Notice when your child is upset with you by staying tuned into their life. Second, be apologetic if you missed a moment. Sincerely apologize as soon as possible to restore the relationship. Finally, be active in proving to your child that you’ll do your very best not to miss another big moment in their life. Read more details on how to when you miss a moment in your child’s life.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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