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How to Create Boundaries for Your Kids

May 07, 2013 / General     

Okay, imagine you’re at a basketball game. But in this arena, there are no rules and no boundaries. After the whistle blows, the players fight for the ball, fall to the floor and start wrestling. It’s pure chaos. I know that illustration is crazy, but it shows the importance of having rules and boundaries in the game and what happens when they’re not present. Just as the boundaries on the basketball court establish the area within which each player must play, the boundaries in parenting establish the area within which your child must play in daily life.  Let’s talk about each of those boundaries that we’ve got to have to effectively raise our children with these 10 ways to establish clear boundaries for children.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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