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Each 1 Reach 1: How to Make an Impact Right Where You Are

Aug 26, 2013 / General     

It’s a simple equation— A more involved parent = a better student, a better school, and a better community.  That's where Family First's school breakfast programs come in. All Pro Dad's Days and iMOM Mornings bring moms and dads to school once a month for a time of bonding, encouragement, and fun.  And they're easy to start—we provide everything you need!

So make sure your kids aren’t missing out.  Start your own iMOM Morning or All Pro Dad's Day—we’ll provide everything you need!  If your school already has one, then talk to your friends who have kids at another school and help these school programs multiply. When each one reaches one, our schools, our communities and our kids grow stronger.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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