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8 Warning Signs Your Child is Headed for Trouble

Oct 01, 2024 / General     

As parents, it is our duty to keep an eye on our kids. That includes looking for any danger signs you might see as they travel through those young years. Here are some warning signs that your child may be headed for trouble and solutions to lead them back on the right road. First, your child may be headed for trouble when they have excessive mood swings. If they’re going from extreme highs to extreme lows, instead of blaming your child, ask them how they are really feeling. The second sign your child is headed for trouble is when they start withdrawing socially or expressing hopelessness. If so, encourage them. Let them know how awesome they are. Help them develop good friendships with other kids. Here are the rest of the 8 Warning Signs Your Child is Headed for Trouble

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Mark Merrill

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