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5 Things Not to Say to Your Kids

Oct 09, 2024 / General     

Words matter. Words either build up or tear down. And, as parents, we can never underestimate the power that a few careless words will have on our kids. Here are some things not to say to your kids. First, don’t say nothing. When a dad chooses work or television or friends or sports over his child, the impact is lifelong. Be sure to share conversations with your children daily to build a deep, lasting relationship. Second, don’t say, “Why can’t you be more like so and so…”  Comparison kills…kills the imagination and kills the heart. As a parent, you must understand that your child is unique and uniquely gifted…see that in them and encourage the development of their gifts. Here are the remaining 5 Things Not to Say to Your Kids

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The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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