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My New Book on Fatherhood

May 01, 2012 / Fatherhood     

Dads, what will you see at the end of your journey? I’m Mark Merrill with today’s Family Minute. When all is said and done and you look back on the trail you’ve paved, what will you see? Will you see a path where you pursued fame and fortune to make you happy? Will your trail be littered with power and pleasure seeking? Or, will your daily steps on your fatherhood adventure be marked with love…a love where you gave selflessly and sacrificially to your kids. In my new book, All Pro Dad, being released today, I give men a clear picture of what it looks like to peer at the peak of success as a dad and how to lead our children on a path grounded on love. There are seven essentials to be a hero to your kids. And it’s an incredible adventure. Let’s go for it together.  Remember, your Family First.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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