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8 Things Every Father Must Teach His Son

Aug 29, 2013 / Fatherhood     

Over the years, I’ve worked hard to teach my two sons, now 18 and 17, the most important things in life.  Here are the 8 things every father should teach his son.  First, be a gentleman. A firm handshake combined with looking the other person in the eye carries with it respect and strength. Opening a car door for a woman, standing up at the table when she is seated is what a gentleman does as well. Second, honor your father and mother…with your words and your actions…not because of their performance in raising you, but simply because of their position as your parents. Here are the rest of the 8 things every father must teach his son



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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