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5 Activities Good Fathers Should Stop Doing

Oct 22, 2024 / Fatherhood     

The transition into parenthood is dynamic and life-altering. We must move from focusing on ourselves to focusing on our family first. Sometimes we have a difficult time letting go of former habits and lifestyle choices. And yet, I promise you that it is always worth it to do what’s best for your family. So here are 5 activities that good fathers must stop doing. First, quit substance abuse. I strongly encourage you to seek help if smoking or alcohol are altering the trajectory of your life and affecting your ability to raise your kids well. Second, avoid being financially reckless. Creating a budget and sticking to it are key parts of caring for your family. Here are 5 Activities Good Fathers Should Stop Doing.  

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The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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