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Why Firmness Doesn't Require Harshness

Jan 09, 2015 / Discipline     

When it comes to discipline, parents so often equate firmness with harshness. But the two are completely different. Firmness says that a boundary is secure and won’t be crossed without a consequence. But harshness uses angry words and intimidation to intentionally scare a child into submission.  So how can you discipline firmly without being harsh? First, show less emotion.  This will help your child focus on their wrong decision, rather than on your intense reaction. Second, be sure to always come back to your child in love. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of always reminding your child that your love is unconditional, not based on their behavior. So start disciplining your child well today – no harshness required.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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