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How to Parent Back Talking Children

Jul 09, 2013 / Discipline     

If you are a parent, at some point, the answer has probably been a resounding “Yes”!  But, all back talking is not the same.  Identifying the type can often lead to the solution.  There are four kinds of back talkers. First, the impulsive back talker. This is the child who blurts out whatever they think without considering the consequences.  The solution?  Tell them to pause, count to five and say the words in their head before saying them out loud.  Second, the on and on back talker. This is the child who has to have the last word. The solution? Let them know that your word is final and that there is no more discussion.  Here’s more about 4 different types of back talkers and 5 ideas for effective discipline.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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