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What to Do When Your Spouse is Close but Distant

Jun 30, 2023 / Saving Your Marriage     

We all know what it’s like to have someone sitting right next to us, but whose mind is miles and miles away.  In marriage, this can play out when our spouse is physically beside us, but is emotionally distant.  To reconnect, here are 3 steps to take when your spouse is close, but distant.  First, recognize it.  Avoid being so focused on your own issues and “to-do” list that you’re unable to see when your spouse is being distant.  Second, assess it.  It’s important to take time to reflect on the situation and what could be causing your spouse to be distant.  Read more about ways to reconnect and What to Do When Your Spouse is Close but Distant.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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