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Two to Tango: Marriage Lessons from The Song movie

Oct 02, 2014 / Saving Your Marriage     

The easiest thing to do is to look at your spouse…I mean, they’re the reason that you’ve got problems in your marriage in the first place, right? Well, let me ask you, have things gotten better since you blamed your spouse for all your problems? Hmmm…my guess is…no. A fantastic new movie, The Song, shows us how it really does take two to tango…how more often than not, both a husband and wife contribute to marriage difficulties. The movie shows us that when a husband and a wife don’t accept responsibility for what they’ve done or haven’t done…problems arise. And if they dance around the real issues in their relationship and don’t share how they really feel, things get even worse. Learn more about marriage from THE SONG movie.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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