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Marriage Killers and How to Slay Them

Feb 03, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage     

Some beasts that tear apart marriages come from the outside. But, more often than not, the beasts that kill a marriage come from within the relationship. I call them “marriage killers.”  To help you battle these enemies in your marriage, it’s important to recognize what they are and then learn how to slay them. The first marriage killer is comparison. Comparing your marriage to another couple’s marriage only creates unrealistic expectations for you and your spouse. And just because someone else’s marriage looks good on the outside, doesn’t mean all is well behind their closed doors. The second marriage killer is criticism. Small insults and put-downs transform into big issues. Listen to the Family First podcast to learn about more marriage killers and how to slay them. 



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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