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Has Your Marriage Hit Any Speed Bumps Lately?

Jan 20, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage     

Sometimes, when we least expect it, life hits us with a speed bump—telling us that we need to slow down. And while these natural speed bumps can be tough, they’re great opportunities for us to slow down and support our spouse. So what are some natural speed bumps you may face in marriage? First, there’s the speed bump of losing a job. It’s important to use this time to support your spouse—showing them that your love isn’t based on their accomplishments or failures.  Second, there’s the speed bump of a major health issue. Show your spouse that you’ll always be there for them…in sickness and in health. To hear more about speed bumps in marriage, listen to my podcast.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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