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4 Ways Your Marriage Might Be Like the Fiscal Cliff

Mar 07, 2013 / Saving Your Marriage     

We’ve heard a lot about the “fiscal cliff.” But there’s an even more dangerous cliff that you may be on…the marriage cliff. Just like the fiscal cliff, we often tax our relationship by always demanding more and more from our spouse; we cut important relational programs; and, we refuse to deposit more into our relationship than we take out. As a result, we go over the marriage cliff and leave the relationship in pieces. What do you do? First, like the fiscal cliff, the entire scenario is avoidable. Remember your vows to unconditionally love and serve each other “for better or worse.” Here are the rest of the 4 ways your marriage might be like the fiscal cliff.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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