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12 Things That Can Cause Marriage Failure

Sep 10, 2013 / Saving Your Marriage     

You want it to last for life. But you see so many things that need to change in your spouse.  Well, maybe, just maybe, you’ve also contributed to putting your relationship on a dangerous road.  Here are 12 things that can cause marriage failure.  First, you work more on your wedding than on your marriage. You spend hundreds of hours planning for your wedding, but choose not to spend time planning for a growing marriage. Second, you believe that marriage is a contract. Even though you don’t say it, you really believe that marriage is a transaction between two people, a contract, and not a covenant.  Here are the rest of the 12 things that can cause marriage failure



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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