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The Truth about Pornography

Apr 28, 2015 / Husbands     

Everywhere you look, pornography is becoming more and more available. At the same time, men are not aware of its dangers. So today, I’d like to share 3 lies and 3 truths about pornography. Lie Number 1: You can stop whenever you want to. The truth is that pornography is very addictive and it takes a lot of time and energy to break. Lie Number 2: Pornography only affects you. The heartbreaking truth is that pornography deeply affects your marriage—causing you to see your wife as less desirable and less valuable. Lie Number 3: Pornography isn’t wrong. The truth? It’s degrading to women and destroys families. If you’re struggling with pornography, I encourage you to seek help. Listen to today’s Family First podcast to learn more.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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