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The Marriage Bucket List for Men

Mar 20, 2014 / Husbands     

Did you see the 2007 movie Bucket List? It’s about two men who decide to chase their dreams when they find out they don’t have much longer to live.  The movie sparked many to start thinking about what they’d include on their own bucket list.  While a list like this can often seem overwhelming, our All Pro Dad program has created a doable marriage bucket list for you.  Here are a few ideas. First, plan and execute a wedding anniversary she’ll never forget.  Second, become a servant leader by acting with kindness, generosity, and compassion towards your spouse.  Here are more ideas for a Marriage Bucket List for Men.  And if you missed it, here is our Husband and Wife Bucket List with more great ideas. 



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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