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How to Protect Your Wife from the "Rats" in Her Life

Jul 16, 2013 / Husbands     

My wife, Susan, came home the other day to find a special present that our dogs left for her.  The dogs found a dead rat in the back yard and brought their prize into our house.  So I came to her rescue and disposed of our dogs' not-so-thoughtful gift. I was pumped up about tossing that dead mouse in the trash because I love being Susan’s hero.  Here are some "rats" in your wife’s life that you can help get rid of.  First, fearsome rats. Be the one to rescue her from ferocious physical and emotional challenges. She wants to feel safe and secure.  Here’s more on how to protect your wife from the rats in her life



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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