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Confession: I Expect Too Much From My Wife

Nov 18, 2013 / Husbands     

It’s natural for us to expect things from people.  We expect hard work from our co-workers, obedience from our kids, and support from our friends.  But when it comes to our spouses, the bar can sometimes be raised unreasonably high.  I confess, I expect too much from my wife.  First, I expect my wife to be the mediator between me and my children.  Rather than handle situations on my own, I delegate conflict to her by saying things like, “Grant got home past curfew last night.  You should talk to him about why he was late.”  Here are more ways I expect too much from my wife.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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