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7 Things Your Wife Should Expect from You

Jul 20, 2015 / Husbands     

Your marriage has some nonnegotiables—a list of things your wife should be able to expect from you. Here are a few of them. First, trustworthy. That means you are who you say you are and will do what you say you’ll do. Second, faithful…not giving yourself away in any way to another woman…physically, mentally, or emotionally. Third, protector. Your wife and your children need to feel safe and protected—and not just physically. You may have a home security system to guard against burglars. But what about other kinds of "home invasion," like harmful media? Be on the alert for your wife and family.

For more on this topic on my blog, go to 7 Things Your Wife Should Expect from You.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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