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10 Texts to Send Your Wife in the Next 10 Days

Jun 15, 2015 / Husbands     

Texting can be a great way to send a much needed note to your wife. So I’m challenging you and husbands everywhere to send 10 encouraging text messages to your wife in the next 10 days. On the first day, text her: “Today’s been rough, but thinking of us helps me see again how much it’s all worth it.” Day 2, text her: “You’re my best reason to go to bed at night and my best reason to get up in the morning.” It might be just what she needs today. For the rest of the texts to send your wife in the next 10 days, go to my blog at  

For more on this topic from my blog, go to !0 Texts to Send Your Wife in the Next 10 Days.



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Mark Merrill

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