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10 More Things Wives Want to Hear from Their Husbands

Dec 10, 2013 / Husbands     

Every woman lives to be loved. So today, I’m giving you 10 things to say to your wife that will show your love and breathe life into her soul. Number 1, “I’m your biggest fan.”  Number 2, “I’m thankful for the little things you do.”  Number 3, “Let’s take a walk together.”  Number 4, “I miss you when we’re apart.”  Number 5, “I’m here for you.”  Number 6, “You’ll always have me by your side.”  Number 7, “I want to be the man you deserve.” Here are the rest of the 10 more things wives want to hear from their husbands.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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