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Why Teamwork in Marriage Matters

Oct 28, 2013 / General     

The moment you said your vows, you promised everything to your spouse…your love, your time, your forgiveness…and your money.  Rachel Cruze, daughter of Dave Ramsey, has written a guest post on my blog about the importance of teamwork in your marriage when dealing with money.  She recommends making a family budget together.  This should be a budget that you and your spouse discuss and then ultimately agree to stick to.  Plan out every decision about where your money will go, even down to the last dollar.  This way, there are no surprise purchases and less room for conflict.  For the rest of Rachel’s advice on how to work as a team with money, check out why teamwork in marriage matters.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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