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Marriage Maintenance

Jan 15, 2014 / General     

If you don’t maintain your car—change the oil, filter, check the points—on a regular basis, it may start clanking and sputtering.  If your spouse is making noises…if they’re negative, nagging, or flat out nasty, maybe it’s time to check under the hood.  When you do, you may find that neglect is the culprit…a husband who has neglected to listen to what his wife really needs, or a wife who has neglected her husband and made the kids the center of her world.  You may need to make some serious repairs, but when you do, your marriage will run even smoother.  Here are some marriage secrets to keep your marriage strong.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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