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How to Deal with Your Spouse's Bad Habits

Nov 15, 2024 / General     

She interrupted me mid-sentence…again. He left his clothes in a heap on the bedroom floor…again. Those annoying habits can be frustrating, especially when we’ve asked our spouse to stop doing them so many times. So what should you do? First, ask yourself, “Why does that habit really bother me?”  A habit might frustrate us if we have a certain way of doing things and our spouse does things very differently. Second, ask, “How big a deal is this to me?”  On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a big problem, rate the habits that bother you. If you have a couple of 8, 9 or 10’s, address those with your spouse as things that are a big deal to you and leave the others behind. Here are some more tips on How to Deal with Your Spouse’s Bad Habits. Remember, your Family First. 




The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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